- 喜欢写作的一件事
- One thing you enjoy about writing
Putting ideas down, express myself
Debate, argumentative, prove others wrong
Science fiction
Can be creative, write whatever you want
- 害怕写作的一件事
- One thing you fear about writing
Conventions, grammar, how sentences go together and where to put them
Writing might appear bad, better grammar, sound interesting, not sounding smooth
Writing essays, narrative essays
Being criticized
Not detailed enough
Running out of ideas, ideas are bad
Peer editing
02. 教学目标
➊ 告诉你创意写作如何带来意想不到的回报
- Show you how creative writing can lead to unexpected rewards
➋ 分享老师的阅读和写作经验
- Share my experiences with reading and writing
➌ 向你介绍有趣的小说,并引导你们分析它们
- Introduce interesting pieces of fiction to you and analyze them alongside you
➍ 引导你找到适合自己的创作过程
- Guide you to find the creative process that
03. 本节课计划
- The creative process of writing
➋ 想法的产生
- Generating ideas
➌ 做一些思考和写作
- Do some thinking and writing
- Reading (if we have time)
- Q&A throughout
04. 七周计划
➊ 展示和讲述 Showing and telling
➋ 人物塑造(一) Characterization (1)
➌ 人物塑造(二) Characterization (2)
➍ 场景 Setting
➎ 剧情与结构 Plot and Structure
➏ 观点 Point of View
➐ 比喻与明喻 Metaphor and Simile
❽ 修订和主题 Revision and Theme
05. 艺术家的心态 The Artistic Mindset
➊ 艺术家对世界秩序的直觉不同于哲学家、科学家和神学家。
- The artist has an intuition about the world’s order that’s different from that of philosopher, scientists, and theologians
➋ 最好的故事不是基于想法,而是从混乱的感官体验中诞生的
- The best stories aren’t based on ideas. They emerge from the chaos of sensory experience
➌ 作家把经验塑造成一种艺术品,供读者体会
- The writer shapes experience into an art object to be encountered by the reader
➍ “我觉得这个世界是有意义的,我想从我的经历和梦想中创造出艺术品。”
- “I’ve got this sense that the world has meaning, and I want to make art objects out of my experiences and my dreams”
06. 灵感的产生 Generating ideas
➊ 根据指派 Based on assignment
➋ 头脑风暴 Brainstorming
➌ 自由写作 Freewriting
➌ 涂鸦和素描 Doodling and sketching
➎ 映射 Mapping
➏ 想象 Imagining
➐ 向记者提问 Asking a reporter’s questions
❽ 寻找动机 Seeking motives
❾ 记日记 Keeping a journal
❿ 修订和主题 Revision and Theme
07. 苦乐参半的写作 Pain and Pleasure of Writing
➊ 害怕不完美(语法不好),自我判断
- Fear of imperfection (bad grammar), self judgment
➋ 害怕语言永远无法捕捉思想
- Fear that words will never capture an idea
➌ 害怕空白的一页
- Fear of the blank page
➍ 我的老师/妈妈会怎么说?
- What’s my teacher/mom gonna say
➊ 构建优美的句子
- Constructing an elegant sentence
➋ 发现图像
- Discovering an image
➌ 看到一个角色栩栩如生
- Seeing a character come to life
08. 不要害怕,要去做 Don’t Dread, Do
➊ 开始 Getting Started
➋ 找出哪些习惯能让你富有成效/创造力
- Figuring out what habits make you productive/creative
➌ 允许(不强迫)自己每天写作
- Allowing (not making) yourself to write every day
➍ 记日记 Keeping a journal
➎ 一个私人的试验、成长和失败的空间
- A private space to experiment, grow, and fail
- Doesn’t matter what or how much you write
➐ 比喻与明喻 Metaphor and Simile
❽ 养成用语言观察的习惯
- Getting in a steady habit of observing in words
09. 自由写作 Freewriting
Putting anything on paper, it doesn’t matter as long as it’s coming out of your head and onto paper/screen
➊ 继续前进,不要停止
- Keep going and don’t stop
➋ 尝试在屏幕变暗的笔记本电脑上这样做
- Try doing this on a laptop with your screen darkened
➌ 回顾你的自由写作,找出你所关心的东西
- Review your freewriting for indications of what you care about
➍ 提示 Prompts
➎ 故事不是从想法、主题或大纲开始的,而是从画面和迷恋开始的
- Stories don’t begin with ideas or themes or outlines; they start with images and obsessions
➏ 对提示做出反应是练习把你的想法写下来的一种方式
- Responding to prompts is a way to practice putting your thoughts into writing
10. 作业
Try to write something every day between now and next week’s class. It can be a word, a sentence, a paragraph...however much you want to write. Next week, be ready to share something (anything!) that you were able to discover from this process
11. Steven老师课程时间、地点
5–7 年级 阅读写作
周二 6–8 pm
8-10 年级 阅读写作
周三 6-8 pm
10-12 年级阅读写作
周六 4:30-6:30 pm
SAT 单词语法
周六 9:30-11:30 am
SAT 习题训练讲解
周日 4:30-6:30 pm
5549 Dunbar St,Vancouver
面授 Online 同步开启
12. 小结
地址|(39街校区) 5549 Dunbar St, Vancouver
(19街校区) 110-3479 Dunbar Street, Vancouver